Posts tagged microsoft
Sync Folders between Computer with Windows Live Mesh

Just recently I ran into a small problem. Well, I would say big problem. I wanted to sync up three computers up with the same content. I knew it was not going to be easy but I was wrong. Out of all the programs I found Windows Live Mesh to solve my concerns.  All you need is a Windows Live or Hotmail account and the software.  Install the Live Mesh and sign into your account. Here is a detailed tutorial.  After you do that, pick a folder that you want to sync and move on to your next computer and repeat the process till you have set up all the computer you want to have synced together. Would I really liked about this software is how straight forward it was and without thinking about, it was all synced.

I got to say I am impressed by Microsoft on this product. To download go to Windows Live Mesh.

The Easy Way to Protect Your Files with a Password


Just last week I was helping out a person who had gone through some tough incidents. That person had files stolen from their personal computer. Those files were sold online for a high amount of money. This sadden me and immediately I thought of what things could have been done to protect the user.  The user told me about a program they were told about, Safe House Explorer. I looked into and was impressed by the simplicity and security level.  Safe House Explorer is a FREE program that creates a secure password protected folder or as they call it a vault. It uses maximum-strength 256-bit advanced encryption to completely hide and defend your sensitive files.

I would defiantly suggestion users to double thinking about their security and take action about their personal data.

Spark a Dream with MS DreamSpark

Free software is awesome, but sometimes paid software has its kicks. What if you could get paid software for free? Introduce Microsoft DreamSpark. DreamSpark is an attempt by Microsoft to give away its software for people to develop new software using Visual Studio 2010, test out there server operating system, develop games and applications for Windows 7 mobile. Pretty awesome right? The only catch is that you need to be a college student or have an e-mail with "edu" (of course there is ways around the verification system)! So if you qualify, I recommend giving it a try!

Enable Multiple Desktops in Windows with VirtuaWin

In my opinion, Windows 7 is one of the best operating systems to date, but it lacks some features I find handy when I use Linux. One of those features is the ability to have multiple desktops! VirtuaWin is the solution! You might wonder why is it useful? Having multiple desktops, in a way, compensates for the lack of a high resolution monitor and reduces clutter especially if you enjoy having multiple programs running with multiple windows. VirtuaWin is a light-weight application; it will run in the background without slowing down your system. To use, simply configure VirtuaWin to how many desktops you want, set a keyboard short-cut, set it to start-up automatically and you gain your way to perhaps a more productive working environment.  Did I mention it’s free?

As for recommended settings, I would stick to only two to three desktops. Too many desktops, and it will defeat the purpose of reducing the number of items a person has to manage! Also, enable the mouse to drag any window to a different desktop. Be warned, the Window 7 Snapping Window feature interferes with switching desktops via the mouse drag and will snap the window if  it's Microsoft software; not a huge problem, but rather annoying. If you feel it's a problem, you can as well disable that feature within Windows 7.  Enabling the mouse dragging emulates having multiple monitors. Finally, as for the desktop switching keyboard short-cut, I use alt + left/right arrow combination. Give it a try, especially if you do not have the cash to burn for a nice shiny 1080p monitor!

Use DropBox to Sync files

Do you use multiple computers and want to keep your files Synced? Maybe use a flash Drive to carry them around? Use DropBox. You don't need to carry those files around. DropBox is a web based syncing service. It syncs to one DropBox folder on each computer. You have 2GB free and if you need more you may pay to get more storage. Usually 2GB is enough. Have any questions let me know. Click here to install.

Turn Off Windows Update Restart Window
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Revised Restart dialog box in Windows Vista[/caption]

If your on Windows, you know and have been itrrupted by the Windows Update pop up that bugs you to restart your computer. That screen can be so annoying. There are just three options,  to remind you later to restart your computer but no option to LEAVE YOU ALONE.  There is a solution to that. If you head over to and download the application LeaveMeAlone you can have this software

temporarily turn off the source of these restart messages

it's that easy. Download it and be more productive.


Find a solution to your PC problem with Microsoft Fix It

Did you know about Microsoft Fix it? According to Microsoft, Fix It is a way to ...

....automate solutions to common software problems in an easy, intuitive way that is available when and where you need it. So whether you are looking for a solution in help or support content, or an error report, Fix it provides a way to apply automated fixes, workarounds, or configuration changes so you don’t have to perform a long list of manual steps yourself.

... or in simple words it is a website where you can download solutions to your problem. Yes, I said download. If you are having trouble with your CD/DVD drive not reading CDs/DVDs then you can download software that fixes your problem. You just find that article where it says you're having trouble and click the fit it button.

Give it a try. Here is the main website to Microsoft Fix it. You will be surprised how many problems Microsoft can fix.

Stop Windows update from restarting your machine

You're in the middle of  a very important paper or just doing something very important. Then, suddenly, you see a box in the lower right hand corner of the screen. It's Windows Update  restarting in 10.. 9.. 8. 7 sec. I find it very annoying when it just wants to restart after Windows has installed updates. Do not get me wrong. Updates ate VERY important. You must do them but Windows does not need to restart automatically.  Today's tip is how to prevent Windows from restarting.

Here are the steps:

  1. Start > Run
  2. Type in: gpedit.msc
  3. Expand Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update
  4. Double-click 'No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Updates installations'
  5. Select "Enabled". Then OK. Close the Group Policy configuration program.
  6. Your done. Just Restart one time and set to go!