OneTechTip - My Website

Through Jan 1, 2010 to July 31, 2012 I hosted my own technology tip website, I provided tips and tricks to the common people on how they could use technology to their advantage. It is an interesting story how it started. It all began when I used to give rides to my friend Luis Garfias to school everyday. We would always talk about our lives and he would occasionally asked for recommendations on phones, browsers and other software.  One day I got an idea to actually write down the recommendations and tricks I gave Luis.  Other friends would also ask so it would kill two birds with one stone. I could just send people links to my site. From that point it took off. I was everyday writing tips on technology everyday. I also initially received help from a couple friends; Hugo Guerrero, Angel Montero, Garvan Kuskey, and Max Ramirez  They all wrote tips and helped maintain the site. I hosted with Dreamhost and use the free Wordpress software. I learned a lot on my own. How domains worked, websites, and basic HTML and graphic design. Unfortunately, it got to the point were I was too busy to maintain and post daily. I also wanted to focus. I knew it was for the best and I learned a lot while it lasted. I moved all the content to my site: Please feel free to browse my old posts. 

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