Entrepreneur Panelist at the S.H.P.E. National Conference at Anaheim

Once you put yourself out there you never know what might happen and that is what I did. I was at the Regional Leadership Development Conference hosted by Los Ingenerios of the University of California, Santa Barbara going through their career fair when I saw the CEO of SHPE.  I presented myself as an entrepreneur, owning at the time OneTechTip.com. She got excited and told me a must be on the entrepreneur panel that will be held with the SHPE National Conference. At first I was going to say that I was not too sure when I said yes. 

At the SHPE National Conference in Anaheim I was so nervous. I was going to be on a panel for the very first time. I was going to share my experiences to my own peers. I finally went through with it and met so many amazing people.  People that were on the panel and peers who later came up to me to talk and ask for my opinions. I would definitely do that again. 

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