Sticky Side Down

Over time keyboards get really grudy and nasty. We eat next them,  shed our eye lashes on them and just in general stuff gets  in between.  If you have a keyboard not on a laptop but connected to a desktop. You can simply put in the dishwasher. Yes, you heard me right, most of the time if you wash it and let it dry completely before plugging  it back in, you should be fine. If not you can simply buy another one. They are reasonably cheap now a days. If you want to clean your laptop keyboard you can clean it with some alcohol and a rag. You may ask how do I clean in between the keys? Well, you can grab a sticky note and stick and slide down the sticky side in between the keys. Everything will stick and you will successfully take it out. I rarely recommended to detach the keys because you may break it and get some keys mixed up.  Happy cleaning.

Photo by [Zniper]